Botanical Breathwork

A Meditative Experience For The Mind, Body, And Soul

Our Approach

Botanical Breathwork is a transformative practice that uses conscious, rhythmic breathing paired with plant-focused remedies to promote healing for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Our breathing technique combines deep inhales and exhales through the abdomen and upper chest to nurture inner peace, emotional release, and physical vitality.

Elevate your well-being with the transformative effects of Botanical Breathwork

Here are a few benefits of Botanical Breathwork

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Promotes relaxation and calmness with ancient breathing techniques.

  • Facilitates Emotional Release: Helps in releasing pent-up emotions.

  • Enhances Mental Clarity: Clears the mind for improved focus and creativity.

  • Improves Sleep Quality: Aids in deeper, more restful sleep.

  • Promotes Deep Relaxation: Assists in achieving a state of deep, peaceful relaxation.

  • Enhances Spiritual Connection: Fosters a deeper sense of spiritual awareness and connection.

  • Cultivates Self-Awareness: Encourages introspection and self-discovery.

Botanic Care For Your Well-being

Journey Through Breathwork with Nature's Healing Allies

Essential Oils

Chosen for their therapeutic properties, essential oils awaken your senses and amplify emotional resonance.

Smoke Cleanse

A ritual as old as time. Let the smoke cleanse and elevate your spirit, creating a pure canvas for your Botanical Breathwork journey.

Herbal Tea

Savor nature's soothing and restorative powers with our herbal tea infusions. This prelude to breathwork sets the perfect tone for calm and relaxation.

About Your Guide

Christina, the founder and guide of SOUL SZN, is deeply passionate about curating transformative experiences that resonate with the mind, body, and soul. In her practice, she works toward clearing energy pathways, empowering you to embrace your authentic self, release lingering blockages, and step into your full potential with clarity and confidence. Trained in breathwork by teacher and healer David Elliot, she further extends her healing expertise as a hapé facilitator and a certified level 2 Reiki energy healer.


  • Our Botanical Breathwork class is designed for all levels. Before we dive into the active breathing portion, you will be introduced to the technique in a gentle and supportive way.

  • We’ve got everything covered. We provide a yoga mat, an eye mask, and a blanket. We will also have water and tea available before Botanical Breathwork begins.

  • A Botanical Breathwork experience lasts about 90 minutes, with the breathing portion lasting about 45 minutes. Classes begin on time, so please arrive 5-10 minutes early.

  • Botanical Breathwork can offer many benefits, but it's important to approach it with mindfulness, ensuring it's a good fit for one's physical and emotional state. Please consult with a healthcare professional before participating if you have any health concerns.